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Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Plus Full Specifications | Whats new | Techronicle

Snapdragon 865 Chip in Case

So recently Qualcomm released a new Smartphone which is not for sale but is released to show you their new Snapdragon 865 chip which you're gonna be seeing in phones next year.
In this post I will show you the five main things it can do
its of course faster than any current Android chip out there even if you just bought a phone two weeks ago.
You could expect this to have graphics and CPU about 25% quicker but the actual gains will often feel like more than that.

Faster Gaming Experience

The 865 expands the existing suite of Snapdragon Elite gaming features. You'll have things like game color plus so with no hit to performance and nothing needed from developers. All games will just have richer graphics, there's something called forward rendering which means games can use sophisticated lighting effects that would have only been possible on PCs before.

Snapdragon 865 Game Colour Plus

And as a cherry on top the 865 also has updatable graphics drivers which means you can update your phone's graphics the same way you would update your other applications.
So as new games come out, you'll get specific updates that tweak performance for them

Camera Performance

Now with the new Snapdragon 865, gaming is only one of the goals. Something you might have noticed in 2019 especially is that the cameras on Smartphones are becoming a bigger focus than ever.
Phone makers are using 48 Megapixels, 64 Megapixels and even 108 Megapixel sensors and this new chipset will let your phone better process all of that information.
You could loosely split the camera improvements here into two categories upgrades that make existing features better and just straight-up new features.

Snapdragon 865 4K 120FPS Camera

You're already used to being able to record videos at 4K resolution. Some phones can do this at 30 frames per second, some can even do it at 60 but it's now Snapdragon 865 powered phones can do this a 120 frames per second!
I'm not sure if that's something I'd keep on by default, but 120 frames per second means you can slow the video down afterwards and effectively get slo-mo footage in this full fat resolution and if you wanted to take super slow motion it also supports 960 frames per second. Like we've seen on some phones already, but instead of just recording short bursts of this you'll be able to record it continuously.
You could literally do this for 10 minutes straight and it's just thanks to better chip architecture which keeps the whole thing running cooler.

Snapdragon 865 Dolby Video

There's also a subtler benefit from having a more powerful chip. You can take photos and videos at the same time. Let's say, you were recording a 4K HDR video but then you realize you actually want to capture a still image from a part of it.
Instead of just saving what is effectively one still frame from this video, you'll now have the power to simultaneously Snap full 64 Megapixel photos.
So that stuff is pretty iterative but the 865 also creates a few new camera opportunities, which means you can now optically zoom in without that weird juddering that we've seen in past generations.
Really smooth zoom. It means that when you're recording these videos you can call a Dolby vision which is considered by many the current benchmark for color science.

Snapdragon 865 AI engine Cinemantic segmentation

To give you an idea of the implication, most big-budget movies you see in the cinema are shot in a flat RAW format and then they're taken to Dolby, so that Dolby can implement their colors bit by bit for every single scene.

Cinematic Segmentation in Snapdragon 865
This Snapdragon chip lets you directly record with this color science! How cool is that!
Baked in another cool feature is that when you take portrait mode shots in your next phone you'll be able to save it as a single file containing not just the final portrait mode photo but the same shot without the portrait mode effect data on, where the photo was taken and the actual depth map your phone captured. So even ten years later you could read just that portrait mode effect.
Plus you can take 200 Megapixel resolution photos and 8K resolution video at smooth 30 frames per second no biggie now.

Artificial Intelligence

Something what ties quite closely into the camera experience is AI. The Snapdragon 865 has about two times the AI performance versus current generation and generally the idea of this is to make your life easier without you needing to think about what's happening
For example when taking a photo this AI engine enables cinematic segmentation or in other words the ability to identify each object in a photo separately and correct them accordingly
It'll literally look at each individual Pixel in your shot and decide whether it's a hair and it needs sharpening or a skin tone that could do with softening and it happens almost instantly there's a more general benefit to this AI though.

Snapdragon 865 AI Features

You might have noticed another big Smartphone trend is the move to more aware devices Google's Pixel 4 for example uses radar to know when you're near and the 865 trip aligns with that idea quite nicely.
It has a completely new sensing hub. Part of the chip is just dedicated to making your phone more contextually aware of what's happening around. So background tasks like continuously checking GPS location or listening out for your voice can now be done with not just less power consumption but also better.
Your phone will more effectively not just pick up what you're saying but also understand it and this ties into real-time translation. You've probably seen something like this before.

Snapdragon 865 real time offline translation
Google's lens can already translate what it sees but the difference now is that your phone can translate not just written text but your voice with no internet connection with zero delay all whilst retaining your natural way of speaking.
For testing purpose I just talked into the microphone and then the phone gave me back exactly what I'm saying but in German!
The final and probably coolest AI feature I saw was the evolution to the augmented reality emojis you're probably used to.
This next generation Chipset was able to track micro expressions on my face in real-time.
Things like a slight smirk or even an eye roll.


The next pillar of the Snapdragon 865 is connectivity and it's bigger than you think.
There's the expected 5G speed improvements, Here we're talking a theoretical download speed of 7.5 Gigabytes per second and for context that is fast enough to download an HD Netflix movie in just a few seconds.

Qualcomm Sensing Hub

The chipset is built for consistent connectivity and better coverage and I'm not just talking 5G coverage this X55 modem used is also made to deliver the best-in-class 4G signal and because this one solution handles both 4G and 5G it can seamlessly use both of them with little power draw.

Conclusion: My View

So I've talked about Speed, Cameras, Artificial Intelligence and Connectivity but a new generation of chips also comes with a lot of all-round improvements.
So here are some of my favorites with the Snapdragon 865
It supports even higher quality displays, there's been a push recently towards fluid 90s and even 120 Hertz screens in the last couple years but we can now stretch that all the way to quad HD plus display at 144 Hertz.

Snapdragon 865 Chip in hand size

The new 865 has got a better battery life. The way the 865 is built, almost everything on your phone is with better power efficiency. For example there's a 16% battery saving while recording video and imagine the benefits whilst on standby will be even greater.

3D Sonic Max

And finally on a bit of a side note with the 865, Qualcomm also announced their next generation of fingerprint scanner. The 3d Sonic Max, which basically has many times the scanning area of current gen technology and can even allow for two finger authentication which would increase security from a 1 in 50,000 false acceptance rate to a tiny one in a million.

Snapdragon 865 vs Snapdragon 855 speed comparision

so that's the Snapdragon 865 it's the backbone of potentially the phone of your dreams and it'll be interesting to see how companies in the next year take advantage of it thanks for reading this article, Hope you liked it. Please do visit our social platforms and follow us on Instagram and Facebook for daily new tech updates, facts, memes and all that fun stuff.