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Exploring The Voyager Space Station Hotel: A Galactic Getaway for the Elite!


  • The concept of a space hotel
  • The Voyager Space Station Hotel: Making the dream a reality

Design and Luxury

  • Inspiration from Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey"
  • Creating a homely and fashionable space location
  • Luxury amenities and incredible views

Unique Features and Entertainment

  • Ferris wheel-like structure with individual pod rooms
  • 400-person viewing spot, lounge, and bar
  • Spa, gym, themed restaurants, and concert venue
  • Bizarre facilities like a library and cinema 

Simulating Gravity

  • Using centrifugal force to simulate gravity
  • Varying levels of gravity throughout the hotel
  • Low gravity activities and sports

Self-Sufficiency and Operations

  • Dedication to water, air, and power systems
  • Space for the hotel crew
  • Permanent options for governments and wealthy individuals

Getting to the Voyager

  • Traveling on the SpaceX Starship shuttle
  • Training and health requirements for guests

Cost and Competition

  • Hefty price tags for a stay at the Voyager
  • Virgin Galactic and SpaceX's similar ventures
  • Potential for more space hotels in the future

Accessibility and Future Prospects

  • Affordability and feasibility for everyday people
  • Hopes for a golden age of space travel
  • Excitement and anticipation for the future




Imagine a hotel where you can wake up to breathtaking views of Earth from space. The idea of a hotel in space has captivated humanity's collective imagination for years, combining our fascination with outer space and our favorite pastime: vacations. Now, this extraordinary dream is on the verge of becoming a reality. Welcome to the world of the Voyager Space Station Hotel, an ambitious project currently in the advanced planning stages. While it may take some time before space travel becomes accessible to all, the hotel's construction is expected to begin in 2026, with doors opening as early as 2027, making it an exclusive destination for the wealthy few.


Design and Luxury

The Voyager Station's designers were influenced by Stanley Kubrick's seminal film "2001: A Space Odyssey." They did, however, adopt a unique approach to design. Rather of recreating the film's antiseptic and alienating aesthetics, they intended to create a place setting that seems more like a cosy and elegant hotel. The emphasis lies on providing familiar elements of luxury, with beds and showers designed to be more conventional and less "spacey." Of course, the main attraction will be the unparalleled views offered through the windows, allowing guests to witness the beauty of our planet from orbit.


Unique Features and Entertainment

Early drawings of the Voyager Space Station Hotel reveal a structure resembling a magnificent ferris wheel, with individual pod rooms evenly spaced around it. These pods offer unparalleled privacy while immersing guests in the wonders of space. Beyond the comfort of their rooms, visitors will have access to an array of entertainment options. One notable feature is the 400-person viewing spot, which doubles as a lounge and bar. Imagine sipping your favorite cocktail while gazing at Earth's curvature! Moreover, the hotel will house a spa, a gym, themed restaurants, and even a concert venue, ensuring an unforgettable experience as the hotel completes a full circle around the planet every 90 minutes.


Simulating Gravity

In order to provide a semblance of gravity in space, the Voyager Station will utilize centrifugal force. As the hotel orbits, it will rotate, generating an outward force that will mimic the effects of gravity. This is necessary because prolonged exposure to zero gravity can be challenging for many guests. By utilizing this innovative technique, the designers aim to provide an experience similar to moon gravity.The degree of gravity, however, may fluctuate depending on where you are in the hotel. The centre of the station will have no artificial gravity, but travelling outward will enhance the sensation of gravity, providing a unique and dynamic environment for tourists to explore.


Self-Sufficiency and Operations

The Voyager Space Station Hotel will prioritize self-sufficiency. It will dedicate substantial space to essential systems such as water, air, and power. Additionally, space will be allocated for the crew members who will operate the hotel. Securing a position on the hotel crew will likely be a highly sought-after job in the coming years, as it combines the thrill of space travel with the responsibilities of managing a luxury establishment. While the majority of the hotel will be reserved for guests, some areas will be restricted, and certain governments and wealthy individuals will have the opportunity to purchase permanent options, turning their stay into a long-term investment or a unique space-based opportunity.


Getting to the Voyager

Arriving at the Voyager Space Station Hotel will be a significant undertaking in itself. Guests will need to travel aboard the SpaceX Starship shuttle, requiring a period of training beforehand.To guarantee a safe and pleasurable experience, visitors must fulfil rigorous health and fitness standards. While the notion of space travel may seem intimidating to some, the opportunity to be among the first to visit a hotel in space makes it worthwhile for the daring and well-prepared.


Cost and Competition

As expected, a stay at the Voyager Space Station Hotel comes with a considerable price tag. According to preliminary estimates, a three-day stay may cost around $5 million.However, it is important to note that these costs are very cheap when compared to previous space exploration undertakings. The first private people to go to the International Space Station with Axiom Space, for example, spent a whopping $55 million each ticket for an eight-day voyage. The Voyager Hotel's pricing is an indication of the evolving space tourism industry, as other companies like Virgin Galactic and SpaceX explore similar avenues. The competition is expected to grow, and future space hotels may emerge, expanding the options available for those seeking an extraordinary vacation experience.


Accessibility and Future Prospects

While the present cost of a stay at the Voyager Space Station Hotel is out of most people's budgets, there is hope for a more affordable future. Space travel, like visiting a high-end theme park or a lavish beach resort, might become a reality for common people as technology progresses and economies of scale come into play. The developers of the Voyager project envision a forthcoming golden age of space travel, where the extraordinary becomes the norm.  Excitement and expectation permeate the air as we anticipate more advances and look forward to the day when more people will be able to travel to space. Meanwhile, let us fantasise, debate, and share our ideas on whether we would go on such a heavenly voyage if the prices were lower.



The concept of a hotel in space is transitioning from science fiction to a tangible reality. The Voyager Space Station Hotel represents a pioneering step toward making space travel a part of our vacation experiences. The blend of futuristic design, luxury amenities, and awe-inspiring views promises an extraordinary adventure for those fortunate enough to afford it. While it will be some time before space flight is available to the general public, the anticipation and excitement around the Voyager project point to a bright future.So keep your sights on the stars and your dreams high because the golden era of space travel is only around the corner!



Will the Voyager Space Station Hotel be open to the public?

The Voyager Space Station Hotel will primarily cater to the super wealthy, offering them a unique and in-demand holiday experience. However, certain governments and wealthy individuals may have the opportunity to purchase stakes for more permanent options, ranging from scientific work to holiday homes.


How will guests reach the hotel?

Guests will travel on the SpaceX Starship shuttle to reach the Voyager Space Station Hotel. Prior to the trip, visitors will go through training and must fulfil certain health and fitness standards.


What will the artificial gravity be like at the hotel?

The Voyager Space Station Hotel will utilize centrifugal force to simulate gravity. While the center of the station will have no artificial gravity, the feeling of gravity will increase as guests move towards the outside of the hotel. Gravity levels will be equivalent to moon gravity.


What are the expected costs for a stay at the Voyager Space Station Hotel?

The estimated cost for a three-day stay at the Voyager Space Station Hotel is around 5 million dollars. While this may seem expensive, it is relatively reasonable compared to previous space travel ventures.


Is the Voyager Space Station Hotel part of a larger trend?

Yes, the Voyager Space Station Hotel is part of a growing trend in space tourism. Companies like Virgin Galactic and SpaceX are also exploring the possibilities of space travel for ordinary individuals. The competition is expected to increase, leading to more options for space tourism in the future.

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