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Tech Giants Go Crypto: How Facebook, Apple, Tesla, Mastercard, and Amazon are Changing the Financial Game


  • The meteoric rise of Cryptocurrency
  • The potential impact on mainstream finance
  • The questions surrounding big tech companies and Cryptocurrencies

Facebook's Libra Initiative

  • Launching the ambitious Libra project
  • Consortium of large firms involved
  • The unique aspects of Libra's design
  • Challenges faced by Libra/Diem

Apple's Cautious Approach

  • Apple's initial ban on Cryptocurrency wallets
  • Potential investment opportunity for Apple
  • The impact of Apple joining the Crypto market

Tesla's Investment in Bitcoin

  • Tesla's significant investment in Bitcoin
  • Elon Musk's influence on Cryptocurrency
  • The surge in value of Dogecoin

Mastercard's Entry into the Crypto World

  • Mastercard's decision to support select Cryptocurrencies
  • Building on the legitimacy of Cryptocurrencies
  • Mastercard's Blockchain patents 

Amazon's Potential Crypto Endeavors

  • Amazon's job postings hinting at a digital currency
  • Speculation about Amazon's involvement in Cryptocurrency
  • The role of Amazon Coin

The Role of Big Tech in the Crypto World

  • The growing importance of big tech in Cryptocurrency
  • The negotiation of regulatory hurdles
  • The ethical considerations of private companies issuing currencies


  • The inevitability of big tech's involvement in Cryptocurrencies
  • The potential impact on the mainstream adoption of Cryptocurrency
  • The need for further discussion and exploration


In the 12 years or so, since it was mysteriously created by a shadowy coder or coders, Cryptocurrency has come an extraordinarily long way. At first no more than a fanciful experiment, an online wheeze traded between nerds and true believers. Bitcoin and its likenesses are now a headline grabbing phenomenon poised to upend the stodgy world of mainstream finance forever.



In the last decade, cryptocurrency has grown from an obscure internet experiment to a strong force that has captivated the attention of the whole world. What began as a fad among tech enthusiasts and true believers has evolved into a disruptive phenomenon with the potential to change the current financial system. The emergence of cryptocurrency has piqued the interest of major IT corporations, who are now keenly monitoring its consequences and pondering their own participation in this crypto revolution. However, as the sector expands, new problems and challenges develop that must be addressed.


Facebook's Libra Initiative

One of the first major tech giants to venture into the world of Cryptocurrency was Facebook. In 2019, the company launched its ambitious project called Libra, which aimed to redefine the concept of digital currency. Libra was not only a Facebook initiative; it was the result of a partnership with 28 major businesses, including Visa, PayPal, Coinbase, and many more. The idea was to develop a decentralised digital currency backed by a basket of financial assets including cash in other currencies and US government securities.Unlike traditional Cryptocurrencies, Libra aimed to reduce the inherent risk and volatility by incorporating these financial assets into its design. Additionally, Libra had a noble aim of providing financial inclusion to the two billion people worldwide who lack access to traditional banking services.

However, Libra faced significant regulatory challenges and failed to gain traction. Its rebranded version, Diem, still struggles to convince regulators of its viability as a parallel financial system. The concerns revolve around issues such as fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, and consumer protections. Despite the initial support from companies like Visa and Stripe, who later withdrew their participation, Facebook's attempts to gain support from other tech giants remained unanswered. In fact, Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, criticized the concept of private companies issuing competing currencies, stating that currencies should remain in the hands of countries. Nevertheless, Apple seems to be keeping a close eye on the potential of Cryptocurrency, considering its vast cash reserves and long-term investment opportunities.


Apple's Cautious Approach

Apple has historically approached Cryptocurrency with caution. In 2014, the company banned Cryptocurrency wallets from its App Store, although it later reversed this decision. Currently, Apple still prohibits Crypto mining on its iPhones and does not allow Crypto purchases through its Apple Card. However, enthusiasts speculate that if Apple were to fully embrace Cryptocurrency, its renowned software and privacy-focused design philosophy could propel Cryptocurrency into the mainstream overnight. With an installed user base of 1.5 billion, even a fraction of Apple users transacting in Cryptocurrency could create a significant revenue opportunity.

Analyst Mitch Steves from RBC Capital Markets suggested that investing a portion of Apple's immense cash reserves into Cryptocurrency could be a lucrative move. If Apple invested just 1% of their $200 billion cash hoard, it would equal to $2 billion, which would have a huge influence on the value of cryptocurrency and lend respectability to the sector. Apple's cautious examination of cryptocurrency is consistent with the company's existing payment systems, such as Apple Pay and Apple Card.


Tesla's Investment in Bitcoin

Tesla, led by colourful CEO Elon Musk, grabbed headlines when it announced a $1.5 billion investment in Bitcoin. This decision led Bitcoin's value to skyrocket, reaching a record high of $43,500. Tesla confirmed its desire to diversify its reserve assets and accept Bitcoin as a means of payment for its products in its official submission to the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Elon Musk's tweets have also had a significant impact on the Cryptocurrency market, particularly his endorsement of Dogecoin. A simple tweet from Musk stating that Dogecoin is the "people's Crypto" resulted in a 50% surge in Dogecoin's market value, reaching $6.3 billion. Tesla's foray into Cryptocurrency demonstrates the growing influence and interest of big tech companies in this emerging field.


Mastercard's Entry into the Crypto World

Mastercard, a traditional financial services provider, has also recognized the growing importance of Cryptocurrencies. In a recent statement, the company acknowledged that digital assets are becoming an increasingly integral part of the payments landscape. Mastercard announced its intention to directly support select Cryptocurrencies on its network, acknowledging the need to adapt to the changing financial landscape. With 89 Blockchain patents in-house, Mastercard is well-positioned to leverage its expertise and contribute to the growing legitimacy of Cryptocurrencies. While regulatory uncertainties persist, Mastercard's commitment to exploring the potential of Cryptocurrency is a testament to the industry's significance.


Amazon's Potential Crypto Endeavors

Job postings by Amazon have sparked speculation about the company's interest in Cryptocurrency. The postings, particularly in Amazon's digital and emerging payments division, indicate a focus on developing ways to convert cash into digital currency, potentially for use on Amazon's platform. While this may be related to Amazon Coin, a long-established discount coupon program for Kindle Fire and Android App Store, the postings raise tantalizing possibilities about Amazon's future involvement in Cryptocurrency. As the demand for Cryptocurrency grows, it is plausible that Amazon will consider launching its own digital currency to cater to the needs of its customers in emerging markets.


The Role of Big Tech in the Crypto World

As Cryptocurrency gains more traction, major tech giants will be compelled to engage with this evolving industry. Companies like Apple, with their massive influence and resources, have the potential to play a significant role in bringing Cryptocurrency into the mainstream. However, the question remains whether they should wield such power. Tim Cook's skepticism about private companies issuing major currencies raises an important ethical and philosophical debate. Should the power to issue currencies reside solely with traditional sovereign states, or are we on the brink of a paradigm shift where Cryptocurrency becomes a significant player in the global financial landscape? The answer to this question remains open for discussion.



The world of Cryptocurrency has come a long way since its mysterious creation over a decade ago. From a niche experiment among tech enthusiasts, it has evolved into a headline-grabbing phenomenon poised to disrupt traditional finance. As big tech companies like Facebook, Apple, Tesla, Mastercard, and Amazon enter the Crypto arena, the landscape of the financial world is poised for transformation. While each company approaches Cryptocurrency with its own set of considerations and challenges, their involvement signals the growing acceptance and potential of digital assets. The future of Cryptocurrency remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: it has the power to reshape the way we perceive and interact with money in the 21st century.



Is Cryptocurrency legal?

Cryptocurrency's legal status varies from country to country. While some nations embrace Cryptocurrency, others have imposed restrictions or outright bans. It's important to research and understand the regulations in your jurisdiction before engaging in Cryptocurrency activities.


Are Cryptocurrencies secure?

Cryptocurrencies leverage advanced cryptographic techniques to provide secure transactions. However, like any digital system, vulnerabilities and risks exist. It's crucial to adopt best security practices, such as using secure wallets and exercising caution when sharing personal information.


Can I invest in Cryptocurrency?

Yes, individuals can invest in Cryptocurrency. It's essential to conduct thorough research, understand the risks involved, and consider consulting with financial advisors before making any investment decisions.


What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is the underlying technology behind most Cryptocurrencies. It is a decentralized and distributed ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. Blockchain's transparency, security, and immutability make it a fundamental component of the Cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Will Cryptocurrency replace traditional currencies?

The future role of Cryptocurrency in the financial system is still uncertain. While it has the potential to disrupt traditional currencies, many regulatory and technical challenges must be addressed before widespread adoption can occur. The coexistence of Cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies is more likely in the foreseeable future.

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