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What Will SpaceX Do When They Arrive on Mars?

In a late night tweet last summer, billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk outlined perhaps his most audacious, not to say bond villainesque, plan to date. That plan was to nuke Mars! Was it a joke? Perhaps. It certainly sold a few t-shirts. But bear in mind, Musk had already floated the idea of detonating a thermonuclear device on Mars on television some four years before. And whether or not you take him at his word, it's certainly worth exploring his company's SpaceX and its ambition to colonize the red planet. So today, we're asking the question: What will SpaceX do when they arrive on Mars?




Elon Musk's Seriousness about Getting to Mars

The Fully Reusable Spacecraft: Starship

The Challenge of Landing on Mars

The Importance of Water for Future Colonists

The Ideal Type of Fuel for Starship

The Role of Boring Machines and Subsurface Caves

Communication and Transportation on Mars

Musk's Predictions for the Future Mars Colony

Collaboration for Success



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In recent years, Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, has expressed a strong desire to reach Mars. While he is most famous for his electric car giant Tesla, his rocket company, SpaceX, was founded in 2002 with the vision of making travel to Mars more affordable. But just how serious is Elon Musk about this ambitious goal? And what are the plans of SpaceX once they arrive on Mars? Let's explore the fascinating journey that lies ahead.


Elon Musk's Seriousness about Getting to Mars

Elon Musk's determination to reach Mars is undeniable. He believes that it is crucial for humanity to establish a presence on the red planet as soon as possible, as a safeguard against potential catastrophic events on Earth. In fact, Musk has suggested that colonizing Mars should happen before the hypothetical occurrence of World War III. To turn his vision into reality, SpaceX has invested billions of dollars in developing sustainable and cost-effective methods of traveling to Mars.


The Fully Reusable Spacecraft: Starship

The centerpiece of SpaceX's Mars missions is the Starship, a fully reusable spacecraft currently in development. With a payload capacity of over 100 metric tons, the Starship aims to transport both crew and cargo to Mars and back. To achieve this, the Starship will be launched into orbit by a booster stage rocket called the Super Heavy, powered by 28 SpaceX-designed Raptor engines. The reusability of the spacecraft and booster stage reflects SpaceX's commitment to reducing the costs associated with space travel.


The Challenge of Landing on Mars

Once the Starship reaches Mars, the next challenge is to find a suitable landing site. Contrary to popular belief, the Martian surface is diverse, with features such as the towering Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in our solar system. Mission planners are considering factors such as elevation, atmospheric conditions, and the availability of water. Water, in the form of ice, is crucial for sustaining a future colony, as it can be converted into essential resources. A landing zone with subsurface water ice deposits and ample sunlight for power generation is the ideal choice.


The Importance of Water for Future Colonists

Access to water is a top priority for SpaceX's Mars missions. By utilizing the Sabatier process, which converts atmospheric carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methane, SpaceX plans to create a sustainable source of fuel on Mars. The necessary hydrogen can be obtained from the Martian water ice, eliminating the need to transport heavy water from Earth. To power the fuel production process, a vast array of solar panels, covering an area of 56,600 square meters, will be deployed. This innovative approach aligns with Musk's long-term vision of using renewable energy to fuel space travel.


The Role of Boring Machines and Subsurface Caves

In addition to addressing fuel production and landing challenges, SpaceX must also consider the safety of future colonists. Mars is exposed to high levels of ionizing radiation, which poses a threat to human health. To mitigate this risk, early settlements may need to be situated in deep subsurface artificial caves. Specialized mining equipment optimized for weight will be required to access subsurface water and create the necessary living spaces. This concept might differ from the popular notion of expansive windows overlooking the Martian landscape, but safety and survival will be the top priorities.


Communication and Transportation on Mars

Once a propellant plant and base are established on Mars, communication and transportation will be crucial. SpaceX's Starlink satellite network, already deployed around Earth, is expected to extend its coverage to Mars, providing vital communication links between the red planet and Earth. Additionally, autonomous Tesla vehicles may play a role in tasks such as transporting ice to the propellant plants. Tesla's innovative battery packs, designed for sustainable energy storage, could provide the necessary power for a variety of Mars-based operations.


Musk's Predictions for the Future Mars Colony

Elon Musk has not been shy about sharing his predictions for a future Mars colony. In addition to lighthearted references to Mars bars and drinking dens on the red planet, he has outlined his vision for a direct democracy, where people govern themselves. Musk advocates for concise laws that automatically expire to prevent bureaucracy and allow for flexibility and freedom. However, while Musk provides ideas and guidelines, SpaceX emphasizes the importance of collaboration with other entities, including government, academia, and the private sector, to ensure the success and sustainability of a Mars colony.


Collaboration for Success

SpaceX acknowledges that reaching Mars and establishing a self-sustaining colony is an immense undertaking that requires the combined efforts of multiple parties. While they are at the forefront of the mission to Mars, SpaceX envisions a collaborative approach to address the various challenges involved. The focus for SpaceX is primarily on solving the transportation puzzle and creating the necessary infrastructure. The involvement of other players will be crucial for shaping the political, social, and scientific aspects of the future Mars colony.



Elon Musk and SpaceX have set their sights on Mars with a determination and seriousness that cannot be ignored. Through the development of the Starship, the search for suitable landing sites, and the focus on water resources and sustainable fuel production, SpaceX is paving the way for future missions to the red planet. While Musk's predictions about Mars colonization may include some playful ideas, the ultimate success of the mission will depend on the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders. As we look to the future, the dream of becoming a multi-planetary species inches closer to reality.



1. Will Elon Musk really nuke Mars?

While Elon Musk's tweet about nuking Mars may have been tongue-in-cheek, his ambition to colonize the planet is genuine. His provocative statements often spark interest and generate discussions about the future of space exploration.


2. How will SpaceX generate fuel on Mars?

SpaceX plans to utilize the Sabatier process to create methane fuel from the Martian atmosphere's carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which can be extracted from water ice. This approach aims to make the missions more self-sufficient and sustainable.


3. What role will Tesla play on Mars?

While not confirmed by SpaceX, Tesla's battery technology could be used to power various operations on Mars. Tesla vehicles might also be deployed to perform tasks like transporting resources within the Martian colony.


4. Will there be a government on Mars?

Elon Musk has expressed a preference for a direct democracy system on Mars. However, SpaceX acknowledges that the political and social aspects of a Mars colony will require input and collaboration from various entities.


5. When will humans set foot on Mars?

SpaceX's target timeline aims for the first human missions to Mars as early as the second half of this decade. However, the exact timing depends on numerous factors, including the successful development and testing of the necessary technologies and collaboration with other organizations.


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Explore SpaceX's ambitious plans for Mars colonization, including reusable spacecraft, sustainable fuel production, and the challenges involved in establishing a self-sustaining colony. Learn how Elon Musk's vision is driving the mission to make humans a multi-planetary species.

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