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Why did Apple start making its own Chips?

Hey there, tech enthusiasts! Today, I've got some exciting news to share with you about Apple's latest game-changing move that you may have missed. You know how Apple loves those big, splashy announcements when they unveil groundbreaking tech like the iPod or iPad? Well, last year, they made an announcement that was just as revolutionary, but it flew under the radar for many people. At their annual worldwide developer conference, Apple confirmed that they would start designing and manufacturing their own chips for Mac computers. And trust me, this isn't just for the tech geeks and Apple fanboys. This announcement has some significant implications that everyone should be aware of. So, grab your black turtleneck, imagine yourself in a hushed auditorium, and let's dive into why Apple is making this bold move!




Apple's Relationship with Intel

The Introduction of the M1 Chip

Arm vs. x86 Architecture

Advantages of Arm Chips

Seamless User Experience

Enhanced Performance and Efficiency

Apple's Vertical Integration Strategy

Intel's Struggles and Apple's Breakthroughs

Transition Challenges and Future Outlook



Apple's Relationship with Intel

For several years, Apple has been relying on Intel, a household name in the chip industry, to supply their CPUs. This partnership began in 2006 when Apple shifted away from IBM and Motorola chips, which they deemed inadequate for their needs. However, things took an exciting turn last November when Apple introduced their in-house chip, the M1, in the Macbook Air and Mac Mini lineup. This marked a significant departure from their reliance on Intel.


The Introduction of the M1 Chip

The M1 chip is a game-changer. It was designed using the Arm architecture, which is fundamentally different from Intel's x86 architecture, their previous choice. But what exactly is the difference between the two in technical terms? Arm chips follow a Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) layout, while x86 chips use a Complex Instruction Set Computing (CISC) arrangement. In simpler words, the x86 architecture is more complex than Arm chips. While the x86 can handle a greater number of instructions, it comes at the cost of higher power consumption. On the other hand, Arm chips are known for their energy efficiency and compact size, making them ideal for mobile devices like phones.


Advantages of Arm Chips

Despite having a more concise menu of instructions, Arm chips have caught up in terms of speed. The latest Arm-based iPhones and iPads now offer performance on par with laptops. This progress can be attributed to Apple's relentless efforts to refine their Arm-based chips since 2010. And now, it seems that Arm chips are ready to make the leap from mobile devices to traditional PC form factors.


Seamless User Experience

One of the key reasons behind Apple's shift to Arm chips is the fundamental difference between Arm and x86 architectures. Software designed for one architecture won't work on the other. Previously, this meant that software that worked smoothly on an iPad wouldn't function on a Mac without using an emulator, which often led to decreased performance. However, with both Apple's mobile devices and Macs now running on Arm chips, users can enjoy a seamless experience when switching between tasks on different devices. This level of integration and user-friendliness is what makes Apple stand out and appeals to millions of fans worldwide. Furthermore, thanks to the energy-efficient nature of Arm chips, MacBook users with the new M1 chip can expect significantly longer battery life, with up to 20 hours of video playback or 15 hours of web browsing on a single charge.


Enhanced Performance and Efficiency

Apple has always been synonymous with sleek and elegant devices that deliver exceptional performance. With the introduction of Arm chips, the next generation of Mac computers is expected to be even thinner than the current MacBook Air range. The transition to Arm chips allows Apple to eliminate bulky hardware like fans required for cooling x86 chips. Additionally, Arm chips bring another significant advantage—the inclusion of Neural engines. These engines, present in recent mobile device chips, enhance machine learning capabilities and improve performance in tasks like photo and video editing, speech recognition, and analysis. Users can expect faster and more efficient built-in software, further enhancing their Apple experience.


Apple's Vertical Integration Strategy

Beyond the user experience, Apple's decision to design its own chips aligns with its long-term strategy of owning and controlling the primary technologies behind its products. From software to the operating system and now chips, Apple's vertical integration strengthens the company's position. By moving away from dependency on Intel's design goals and logistics timetables, Apple's designers working on future laptops and operating systems will have greater influence and flexibility over the final chip. This will ultimately lead to faster and more efficient software that is tailor-made for Apple devices.


Intel's Struggles and Apple's Breakthroughs

While Apple is forging ahead with its innovative Arm chips, Intel has faced challenges in recent years. Delays in delivering CPUs and a lack of progress in shrinking chip sizes have raised concerns about Intel's competitiveness. Apple's chip manufacturing partner, TSMC, is already working toward mass-producing chips with two nanometer transistors, while Intel is still struggling to reach seven nanometers. Smaller transistors result in greater efficiency and speed, positioning Apple's chip technology at the forefront of the industry.


Transition Challenges and Future Outlook

Switching to Arm chips does come with some challenges. Software designed for earlier Macs with x86 chips won't work on Arm-based Macs. However, major developers like Adobe and Microsoft are already reworking their applications, and Apple's own Rosetta software serves as an emulator for most purposes. While regular consumers may not notice a significant difference during the transition, professional users might want to wait until the ecosystem fully adapts. Nevertheless, Apple is committed to completing the transition within the next couple of years.



In conclusion, Apple's decision to design its own chips is a monumental step toward liberating itself from reliance on Intel's manufacturing challenges. It also aligns with their strategy of achieving vertical integration and offering users a seamless experience across all Apple devices. With Arm chips, Macs will become even slimmer, quieter, and more straightforward to use. This move not only benefits the end-users but also positions Apple as a leader in chip technology. So, what are your thoughts on this development? Should Apple put developers through the hassle of rebuilding apps? Or is this transition essential for the future of Mac computers? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more exciting tech content!



Will software designed for older Macs work on Arm-based Macs?

Apple is actively working with major developers to rework applications for compatibility. For other software, Apple's Rosetta software serves as an emulator, allowing most programs to run smoothly.


How will the transition to Arm chips benefit MacBook users?

Arm chips bring enhanced performance, energy efficiency, and longer battery life to MacBook users. With the new M1 chip, users can expect up to 20 hours of video playback or 15 hours of web browsing on a single charge.


What advantages do Arm chips offer compared to Intel's x86 chips?

Arm chips excel in energy efficiency and compact size, making them ideal for mobile devices. They offer comparable performance to x86 chips, with the added benefit of longer battery life and the potential for even slimmer Mac designs.


Will professional users notice a significant difference after the transition to Arm chips?

Professional users might experience some challenges during the transition, as software needs to be optimized for Arm architecture. It's recommended that professional users wait until the ecosystem fully adapts to ensure compatibility with their workflow.


Why is vertical integration important for Apple?

Vertical integration allows Apple to have complete control over the design and manufacturing process, resulting in a more seamless user experience. It also enables faster innovation, efficiency, and the ability to optimize software specifically for Apple devices.

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